Greenika Maintenance Soap with Vitamin E
- ROSESHIP OIL - a Natural oil popularly known to repair and regenerate skin tissue and skin cells. This is beneficial for improving acne marks, scars, stretch marks, dark spots, and pitted scars.
- GRAPESEED EXTRACT- Grape seeds are an excellent source of vitamins C and E, as well as antioxidants known as flavonoids, all of which improves skin’s texture and reduce the signs of aging.
-  Has sun protection properties Arbutin can reduce the degree of skin darkening after sun exposure by blocking the production of tyrosinase.
- Gentle on skin: While other skin brightening agents can dry and irritate the skin, arbutin is less irritating. Since arbutin’s active component is released slowly, it can be less irritating than other skin-lightening agents and better for those with sensitive skin
- Improves uneven complexion: Since arbutin inhibits tyrosinase, an enzyme that helps with melanin production, it can prevent dark spots or even help fade them, leading to a more even complexion.
-  Safe to use with other skincare products: There are no known negative interactions between arbutin and other skincare ingredients.
-  Can be used twice daily: For maximum results, arbutin can be used both in the morning and at night.
- Safer than hydroquinone: arbutin inhibits the enzymes that stimulate pigment-producing cells. Arbutin is the natural alternative for Hydroquinone
- Effective at fading scars: Much like its ability to fade dark spots, arbutin is also great at fading those red-purple acne scars that stick around long after a zit is gone.
- Brightens skin: As explained above, arbutin prohibits the formation of dark spots, offering a brightening effect on the skin.
- Soothes sunburn
- Aloe vera gel contains compounds called polysaccharides that encourage skin repair and new skin cells to set up shop The gel also contains a pain reliever called carboxypeptidase, which may be why aloe vera is so soothing.
- Relieve skin irritation Inflammation underlies many skin conditions. Aloe vera gel contains compounds, such as acemannan, that suppress inflammation by showing the enzymes that trigger it who’s boss.
-  It adds moisture. Because aloe vera gel is mostly water, it helps to hydrate the skin without that post-application greasy feeling. It helps lock moisture into the skin, while also acting as a glue that makes the top layer of skin cells stick together, ultimately smoothing and softening your skin.
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Alpha Arbutin Niacinamide Grapeseed Roseship Anti-Aging Anti Aging Moisturizing Moisturizer Clarifying Skin Firming Aloe Vera Facial Face Wash Foam Cleanser Vitamin E Wrinkle Fine Lines Wrinkles Freckles Acne Pimples Pimple Remover Eraser Warts Remover Wart Collagen Skin Care Beauty Product Whitening Soap Lightening Brightening Skin Firming Tightening